wangzhonglin, governor of hubei province, met withmelissa lan, the outgoing consul general of the consulate general of the united states of america in wuhan, onthursdayin wuhan, capital city of hubei province.
wangexpressed appreciation for ms.lan’sefforts to promote pragmatic cooperation between the united statesand hubei provinceduring her tenure.
he said that this yearmarks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between china and the united states. hubei and the united states have maintained friendly exchanges and conducted extensive cooperation with fruitful results. it is hoped that ms.lanwould continue to create favorable conditions for exchanges and cooperation between hubei and the united states, enhance friendship between provinces and states, deepen economic and trade cooperation, and strengthen people-to-people exchanges, so as to inject new impetus into the development of china-u.s. relations.
ms.lanextendedgratitude to the hubei provincial committee of the communist party of chinaandhubeiprovincial people's governmentfor their support.she expressed herwillingness topromote pragmaticcooperation in thefields ofeconomy and trade, science and technology, culture and climate change, makinghubei play a greater role in china-u.s. relations. ( by zhang yawei)